Many of us know this beauty as Hawaii, even without knowing what island, we mostly will identify this as the reason why we would visit the area.  Yet, I dare to ask (since this has happened to me this is not a judgement question, intent is for thought) how many have spent a week there to barely enjoy this, but instead have paid to snorkle, massage, expensive dining (even if not good food), helicopter, etc. ?

Yet the reason we travel here (usually) is for this beauty!  I am not against comforts and will boldly declare when I go, I stay in an exclusive resort.  But I make the time to indulge in 'this' beauty, whether it is on a beach, sitting on the side, paddling a kayak, or snorkeling off the edge with myself or my loved ones. I will devour my time with the natural.  I have learned this by asking myself the same questions.

In fact the first time I went, I had to make sure that I planned my last day for relaxing in the environment because I had done everything else, but indulge in this beauty, I just skimmed it like a search engine.

I had to learn to relax in order to dive deep into my moments.  As I practiced this more (this was not natural for me, my pride was in how many accomplishments I could have in a short time

How did I make the change?  Finally third trip in, and several other places, similar experiences, I got it :)
Still requires full attention, but that gives way to greater satisfaction.  I enjoy history, therefore, often will research where I am or going, to have a deeper understanding of the past in order to appreciate the current.  In delving in to the past I find so much quality and care taken in the day to day lives.

Breathing in deeply the sea air, walking the beach with no shoes.  The dishes, fabric, even dyes used, preservation of left overs, makings of basics that our generation would not considered even if we do make our dinners from scratch and organic.  Such as growing one's own herbs, making a starter for bread, making bread, yogurt, ice cream, pudding (not from package, from cornstarch).  I know this may sound insane, especially here I am writing on  a computer, I love the modern conveniences but we are so blessed and cursed with the same thing.................Choice! And with so much abundance the quality is less satisfying and therefore passed over.


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