Happiness.  Happiness!  Happiness?

What is happiness to you?  In passing I ask myself this every now and then and now I am back to asking myself this question. It seems to me to change with the season of life I am in.

But what is constant?  My faith? My love? My family?  Yes, they are, but as me they are dynamic and change, and I change so my views change.

We know happiness is relative and dependent on external factors, but there are internals as well, for example if I am in a hurry, I may not have the same sense of humor. Of course I don't, but does that effect my happiness?  Momentarily?

What makes you happy?  I want to ask everyone I know and whom I don't know this question.  I hope I will get many responses and be able to come to a collective definition of happiness.  I hope at this time of the year, with so many preoccupied that I will get some answers.

I think this cat is happy :)


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