Now is an opportunity.

     Just pondering as I was reading how many people who are out of work,  whether by choice, a company taking the "lean" approach or any other reason that can be thought of (medical, family related, long hours lower pay, etc.).

     I was thinking about what I heard on NPR a while ago about the movie "The Imitation Game" .  An English mathematician and logician, Alan Turing, helped crack the Enigma code during World War II, this story was actually written and made into a movie by two people who were out of work and had the time to research.

      It happened by chance that they had heard about an apology that was given towards Alan Turning from the British government, and they were curious. Of course having the time and following their interest they put this together.

     I began to wonder how often in life we are given opportunities that we let pass us by because we are still looking at what was or could be, yet, missing what actually is now?

      I have encountered moments where I read something and think 'that was the book I should have written two years ago', or I had that idea, yet I did nothing with it, but someone else did!
      So of course I wondered what I did instead with the idea??

We say we do nothing, but that is impossible!  We do something else, but nothing is, well, nothing.

     To sit on the couch and stare, that truly is not nothing, it is sitting on the couch and staring. I know we sometimes cripple ourselves with 'what if's' or 'it is not good enough', but what if we were to let those go?      And to progress with our thoughts and ideas, and just work them in the 'now' ?

     Isn't that what is done by those who are successful?  How else can you be in the right place, at the right time, unless you are in the now?

    There is a business in Arizona that is doing well, The Wildflower and that was started by someone out of a job, and they baked bread.  Could it be that if we are living in, our lives, in the moment that the opportunities are available to us and that is what is meant by seizing the moment?
      I know, it is the obvious, but I bring it up, because I am catching myself,

tangling myself up, with moments that are not 'present moments'. So then now, becomes the past and missed.

      The pictures below all have one thing in common, in a few moments they look different.


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