February, Love

     February!! Love this month for the same reason I don't particular like it.

 I love it for there are so many fun events filling my life in this month. It is the month of my anniversary with my husband, it is the birthday month  of my Father who has passed away, but is still in my heart. There is Valentine's day, my nieces birthday, and it is usually the last month we get any winter like weather here in Arizona, usually that is.
      I don't particular like the packed-ness of this month.  Just a few days does seem to make a difference after two months with 31 days and the next with also 31 days, this month flies by. The fun is there, but so is the rush.

     One of my personal pleasures in life is anticipation. Not the hoping of things, but knowing this will come and looking forward to it.  That time period for me is like smelling a wonderful roast or a baked good of some sort, or a vacation on it's way, that is filling all my senses and letting me know it will be here soon. It is an excitement for me, that I enjoy. And a challenge to remain present.

     This year also fills the month with the pleasure of my son's engagement party. I am excited for the future expansion of our family and thankful for all our blessings!

     So, how do I unwind? How do I slow the mind to enjoy each of these events even as they begin to overlap in the planning phase?
     Well, it is not easy , actually it requires mindfulness each day to accomplish this and discipline, to be mindful.  I know I am not the only one who has one day run into the other only to arrive at the end of the week feeling like one 7 x 24 hour day has taken place and is a blur when I have arrived.
     My day begins with being thankful. Honestly, each day is a gift.

If I find myself running first thing in the morning with my mind, the first thing I do is something for my family. I know that may sound silly if you feel hurried to do something extra, but for me it works. It can be making breakfast, it can be a note of encouragement, a task that is theirs and the gift relieving them of it.  Anything really, it puts my mind off of me and since I am doing this for someone or someone's that I love, it is an extra bonus of joy.
Flagstaff. "Aged" looks good on wagons, not ladies.
     The other thing I do which is more challenging and I have to PRACTICE this with reminding myself that this is true and to believe it and relieve myself of preconceived ideas that may have been developed in my life.  That is to not take on what is not mine!!
    Elaboration, I believe as women in particular, we share with one another our feelings, which is wonderful, and we share our burdens and we share it all sometimes.
     I think it is easy for us to lose our lines of responsibilities in the emotions of daily life to the point of blurring our priorities. This can get us into drama, stress, guilt and simply ineffective lives lacking joy.
     I am a fix-it person.  When I see something that needs to be attended to, I offer assistance.  I am clear with my offers and generous. What I struggle with and must remain mindful of, is that not always are others the same. And when I offer, and it is not accepted, but yet it still needs to be done, I have to practice telling myself, it is not mine to be concerned of anymore.
      I actually do have to remind myself.  So, when (which it usually does come up), the offer is accepted at the last minute, which honestly no longer is an offer since I am filled with other responsibilities and priorities. That I remain at peace and not tempted to fall into guilt or do without joy and grudgingly take on what is not mine to take on.  This takes prayer and telling myself the truth. I do believe it is more gender specific that women fall into traps like these.
     So, I simply pray and respond with, a decline of being able to assist at this time. I say pray first, for our relationships are very important, and it is important that we are honest and live in a way with others that allows us to live with them in our mind in peaceful ways. Of course if I have the ability and time I will assist. but the month of Feb. does not often provide that.
     I also, believe that it is detrimental to us and our relationships to be martyrs, and over-burden ourselves if we have not been called to with grace to do this.
     So my encouragement to you as well as me is to simply be sincere with yourself as you are with others and give to yourself the grace and love you offer to others and fill yourself up first, so that you may be of joyful service to yourself and to others.


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